Medicare Limits Cancer Treatment Options

It can be really scary to be diagnosed with cancer. Treatment can include either medications or a chemotherapy drip. Which treatment is given should be decided by the person and his or her doctor. People who use Medicare, however, are finding that their insurer is making that decision for them. No one wants to hear their doctor say that they have been diagnosed with a form of cancer. It is scary, and the treatment can be extremely expensive. Those who have a good health insurance plan often find that they still get stuck paying many medical bills out of pocket. … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – Week of February 5-11, 2012

The Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you an easy way to “ketchup” on all the blogs that were posted this week. In a given week, there can be anywhere from twelve to fourteen different articles that appear on the Insurance Blog. Lately, news about insurance is intertwined with politics. This definitely makes things interesting! The Insurance Podcast Roundup for the week went up on February 6, 2012. Federal Government Says No to California’s Medi-Cal Co-Pays Governor Jerry Brown made a plan that required the low-income people who use Medi-Cal to pay a co-pay before they could be seen by … Continue reading

The Medicare Advantage Gym Membership

It isn’t unheard of for certain types of health insurance plans to offer to cover the cost of a policyholder’s gym membership. However, it is a relatively new thing for this to be offered in Medicare Advantage plans. Some say this will help seniors stay healthy. Other say it will push extra costs to the regular Medicare program. When I think of health insurance plans that cover the cost of gym memberships, I usually think of the employer sponsored ones that are offered to employees of large businesses. I think of the companies who have an on-site gym that employees … Continue reading

Medicare 2012 Premiums Increase Less Than Expected

It was expected that Medicare would see an increase in the cost of the basic monthly premium in 2012. This is still going to happen, but, it won’t be as large an increase as expected. In general, it is pretty rare to see a rate increase that isn’t as high as anticipated. This is good news for people who use Medicare. One way to potentially influence the votes cast by seniors in the next election is to give them a break on the cost of their Medicare premiums. People tend to vote for the candidate, or political party, that they … Continue reading

Things to Know About Medicare Enrollment

Are you planning on enrolling in Medicare this year? You need to know that the enrollment dates have changed. You may want to take a close look at the eligibility requirements, and consider the different parts of the Medicaid program. Medicare has two different enrollment periods. Both of them are for people who already have Medicare, and who wish to make changes to their Medicare coverage. If you are not currently enrolled in Medicare, then the open enrollment periods are not for you. Usually, the open enrollment period for people who wanted to make changes to their Medicare Advantage plans, … Continue reading

Medicare Part D Will Be Less Expensive in 2012

People who are using Medicare as their health insurance are going to see a reduction in the average price of Medicare Part D next year. This is, in part, due to the changes that are a part of health care reform. Despite this, many Republicans are pushing for a privatization of Medicare. The Obama administration has announced that Medicare beneficiaries will see the average price of the Medicare Part D drug plan decrease, slightly, in 2012. Starting next year, the average cost of Part D will charge seniors around $30.00 per month, (according to the Department of Health and Human … Continue reading

Pre-Existing Condition Plan is Suspending Enrollment

The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan, (PCIP) one of the first portions of the Affordable Care Act to go into affect, is suspending enrollment. The short answer as to the reason why is because the funding is running out. Those currently enrolled will still be covered by the plan. The Pre-Existing Condition Plan (PCIP) is part of the Affordable Care Act. It was created in 2010, and was one of the very first health reform changes to go into affect. The main purpose of the PCIP was to guarantee health insurance coverage for people who had previously been struggling to find … Continue reading

Paul Ryan’s Plan Will Harm Disabled People

Paul Ryan plans to make massive cuts to the Medicare program. It will result in a larger share of costs being shifted over to the elderly and the disabled people who rely on Medicare. Much has been said about how the plan will affect the elderly. Not as much has been said about how harmful Ryan’s plan will be for the thousands of people who are disabled and who use Medicare. If you have somehow managed to avoid absolutely all information about the 2012 Presidential election, let me give you some very basic facts. The Republican Party have officially nominated … Continue reading

California’s AIM Program Covers Maternity

Insurance coverage can be difficult when there is a baby on the way. The medical bills involved with having a birth in a hospital tend to be extremely expensive. If you live in California, and do not have health insurance coverage, the AIM program might help you. Many families see a pregnancy as a blessing. Soon, there will be a new addition to the family. The happiness of having a baby on the way is a very positive thing. What isn’t so positive, though, is the stress involved of trying to come up with the money to pay for the … Continue reading

Seniors in Doughnut Hole Likely to Stop Heart Drugs

The Medicare “doughnut hole” is the name given to a situation where seniors suddenly find themselves without coverage for their medications. A study finds that when seniors reach this annual gap, they are most likely to stop taking their heart related medications. There are four parts to Medicare. Part D is the one that provides coverage for prescription medications. Seniors who become eligible for Medicare are able to get Part A right away, and might also be able to sign up for Part B at that time. To get Part D, a senior has to seek out this sort of … Continue reading